20 December 2012

Munting Handog sa Pasko

"To celebrate Christmas season, JPIA extends their arms in reaching the less fortunate children through conducting a Christmas Party and Gift Giving at Christian Bible Heritage Learning Center. "

- FEUJPIA '1213


6:00 AM pa lang, nag-ready na kami papunta dun sa venue kasi ang alam namin, by 8:00 AM magdadatingan na ung mga bata, pero 10:30 pa pala sila pupunta.. So, nagayos-ayos lang kami at ung iba (pati ako) natulog muna.. :))

Nagkaroon din kami ng mga parlor games para sa mga bata.. May The boat is sinking, Stop Dance, Trip to Jerusalem at Paper Dance. After nun, nag karoon din ng story telling. Then kainan na.. Ang expected na bata lang talaga na nabilang namin ay mga 40, pero umabot ng 75 ung mga bata.. Masaya naman, kasi nag round two pa nga ang iba sa spaghetti. Fulfilling talaga ang ganitong activity. Sobrang saya nila, kaya masaya na rin sa pakiramdam. :))

More photos c/o FEU-JPIA Manila fb account. :) 


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30 November 2012

V.V.I.P. ♕

I promise I'll write a longer version of my addiction to Big Bang.. But for now, I just can't suppress my feelings. After watching MAMA 2012, Big Bang got home 3 awards - Best Male Group, Guardian Angel Worldwide Performance Award, and Artist of the Year.. G-Dragon also got the Best Male Artist award.. And they're stage performance, it was so EPIC!! It's like they own the MAMA stage in HongKong.

Okay. That's all.. HAHA

ONE PROUD V.I.P. here!! :))

"Why so serious??"
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01 November 2012

One Choice

decides your friends. 

defines your beliefs. 

determines your loyalties forever. 


Just think of deciding your whole life on your own. Having that ONE DAY wherein you will decide to go on with what you've accustomed to be or curve into another road that you yourself doesn't know where it'll lead you. You have sixteen years to weigh the pros and cons of your decisions. To consider your own happiness and what would be the effect to the other people around. And that's the thing I had realized upon reading the DIVERGENT. You create your OWN CHOICE, and it also creates WHO YOU WILL BECOME.

I finished the book for two days only during the semestral vacation. It made me focus and fully understand the whole story. I can say that this is a pretty nice story and the twists are also unpredictable, though it may have some dull scenes (but just a few, you won'y even recall them).

The story could be a bit based in reality for some aspects, since it talks about the division of characteristics most human possess - Honesty, Intelligence, Selflessness, Bravery, and Peacefulness. They are divided into FACTIONS namely: Abnegation (denies selfishness), Amity (denies aggression), Candor (denies duplicity), Dauntless (denies cowardice) and Erudite (denies ignorance). Children reaching 16 years old got an option to choose what faction they'll continue to live. What faction do they want to commit their lives with and stays there as their home. It could be considered as a betrayal if one chooses to transfer to another faction rather to where they grew up to, but it is not prohibited to do so. And for them to fully make up their choices, they will undergo an aptitude test wherein they will encounter a series of simulations for them to know what factions suit them the most based on the results.

The story focus mainly on the female protagonist - Beatrice Prior, an Abnegation by birth who transfer to the Dauntless faction but got an 'inconclusive' result in the aptitude revealing her true identity as a DIVERGENT. A divergent possess not just one faction characteristic that could single out one person to what faction he deserves. Just like Beatrice, she possess an Abnegation-Dauntless-Erudite characteristics. Also, being a divergent also help them to become fully aware during the simulations, making it easier for them to manipulate and control it. But being a divergent is dangerous, so it has become a challenge for her to keep it to herself, not to let anyone know her true identity.

Well of course I won't be telling the whole story. I actually don't have any opinion. I guess it made me excited to read the next book of this trilogy. And reading the initiation process that Tris have gone through in the Dauntless made me somewhat a fan of action movies. Well, since their faction portrays bravery, the initiation process isn't really that easy; some of them got factionless while some, for a worst case scenario ended up dead (like Al). 

But of course there is still a pinch of a love story in here, between the protagonists (both a Divergent) Four/Tobias and Tris. Four (his nickname since he only has four fears) is the trainer for the initiates and apparently got attached to Tris. :"> I also admired the love of family between Tris and his brother Caleb.

Can't wait to read the 2nd book, Insurgent. Now that Dauntless and Abnegation was destroyed, what would happen to Tris and her family? And will her being a Divergent cause problems to them in the future?

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26 August 2012

I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.

"THEY SAY that the cure for Love will make me happy and safe forever. And I've always believed them. Until now..."

I have actually seen this book read by one of my friends a few months ago but once I heard the word "LOVE", I refused having some interest toward this book. Not because I am loveless neither am I "bitter" but because I am not into that kind of genre when it comes to novels or books. I want those thrilling, adventurous, and mysterious type of novels. But since we have a long weekend ahead of us, and I got stuck up with a lot of stressful things to think about, I grabbed the opportunity to read it to take my mind off even just for a while.

So, the story, really, is about love. But not just an ordinary love story between a boy and girl, nor those Romeo-and-Juliet-kind of a story. It's one of kind, I must say, for me. For it is about a story in a place where LOVE - the one that people feels towards their family, friends, and lovers that gives happiness (sometimes sadness) - is recognized a a disease. A deadly one. The one that drove people to madness. The deadliest of all deadly things: it kills you both when you have it and when you don't.

The main protagonist is Lena, a seventeen year old girl waiting (and counting for the days) for her 18th birthday, since the procedure of the cure will be at that time. So like I said, love is known as a disease, but scientists have created a cure for it. The procedure can only be done when you're eighteen years old because there are side effects when it is done ahead of time, but there are some cases wherein it happens - mainly because the patient have been infected. But Lena got to meet Alex - a boy that has been a resistor or an Invalid. He appears to have been cured, when in fact he's not. He also had live in the Wilds - the restricted place wherein a lot of uncured / Invalids live. They fell in love. And at the last part of the story, they've decided to leave for the Wilds. To leave together and live together. But a tragic thing happens.

Most of the times, I take a peek of the last few paragraphs of each novels I read before actually starting to read it. But this time, I forgot (unintentionally) to do that. So when Alex came into picture, and their love story started to grow, I was actually imagining the plot of the next two books of Delirium - since it is actually a trilogy. I was imagining that the book 2 will be about their lives in the Wilds, and the book 3 will be about defeating the governors/rulers in their city, of course lead by them. But the ending was a shock for me. I actually felt like crying especially in the part where Lena looked back and saw Alex was taken up by all the guards and regulators.

But, come to think of it, maybe Alex is still alive. Locked up in the Crypts. Planning for an escape to the Wilds. Thinking about Lena. Well, I guess that's for me to find out by reading the remaining two books of this trilogy.

My favorite characters would be Hana (Lena's bestfriend) and Gracie (Lena's cousin). I really hope they will still be in the story. :))

"... Now everything has changed. Now, I'd rather be infected with love for the tiniest sliver of a second than live a hundred years smothered by a lie."

Ratings: 4 out of 5 stars. ☺
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18 August 2012

Thirteen Reasons Why

It's been a while since I've finished reading this story by Jay Asher. I've been hearing about this novel last summer and I was actually expecting it to be a creepy type of a story. Why? Because it's plot is about a girl who recorded on a tape the thirteen people (or events) that lead her to finish her dear life. Imagine, just after your day in school, you'll see a box in your front porch addressed to you that contains tapes of the recorded voice from a girl who just took her life  just a few weeks ago. It was really creepy for me, but upon reading the whole book/story, it was far from what I've expected or imagined.

I am not saying it isn't good because it was actually one of the good stories I've read. It is somehow a story about a typical yet extraordinary teenage girl. It has a combination of romance, rivalry, insecurities, and, I guess, psychology. Of course, it is somehow interesting to know what factors could make a teenager to end his/her life, because some may say that those weren't enough reasons for someone to take away the life God has given to him/her.

For me, I liked the part where Hanna Baker introduced the last (thirteenth) reason of her suicidal act. That scenario somehow gave me goosebumps, because it's a live conversation.

I'm not good in rating books/novels, but for me I'll rate this with 3 out of 5 stars. :)

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06 August 2012

General Assembly Attire!

August 3, 2012
JPIA's General Assembly
"STEP UP: Keeping the JPIA Spirit Alive"

Since Step Up is the theme of our GA, our get-up must also be some sort of a dancer. :)) And we're also part of the main opening production number. Wooohooo.

I'll just post pictures. :)









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29 July 2012

Witch wannabe

based from their character names
L-R: Nick Armstrong, Diana Meade, Faye Chamberlain,
Adam Conant, Cassie Blake and Melissa Glaser
I just watched the whole season 1 last week for 3 school days straight. It has been my break time from stressful hours of studying for my tests. I am fond of witches, magic, powers and fictional novels since I was a kid, so I was really hooked with this series.

The story is about witches, of course. It is based from a novel of L.J. Smith, also the writer of The Vampire Diaries. The protagonists are the six people in the picture, except that Nick died and was replaced by his brother Jake. But the main protagonist, I think, is Cassie Blake since the story started when her mother died (murdered by magic) and she moved in with her grandmother in Chance Harbor. There, the 5 other kids are waiting for her for them to be able to bound a circle. They were also seeking for the truth on what did happen on the fire 16 years ago that caused some of their parents to die. But, later on in the series, Cassie found out that she has a dark magic in her and that her father, John Blackwell, is actually alive. They found out that the witch hunters were the ones who killed their parents. But another twist happened, Cassie found her sister. Her sister from the circle. Another one that has a Balcoin (dark magic) blood in her. And that's Diana Meade. The season ended wherein they have formed the crystal skull and found that it's John Blackwell's plan all along to have 2 kids in each circle of witches with a Balcoin blood to be able to complete a circle of six with dark magic at the center of it. But Cassie and Diana was not in favor of it that's why they killed John Blackwell.

But the season ended with a lot of clues on what to expect from the next season. Faye's dealing with her individual power. Jake's grandfather notice of warning. Melissa and Adam's closeness. Adam's temptation to power. Diana moving out leaving a trace in her palm that she is a Blackwell. Cassie's obsession with her power (dark power). And the 4 other Blackwell kids. 

So I am really excited to watch the season 2. But I've read some articles saying that CW is cancelling the renewal of TSC. :(( It's because of it's poor ratings compared to the other series. And it breaks my heart. :(( Well, I actually don't if it's official so I guess I'll just wait for an update. But they say ABC might get it so either way there will still be a season 2, ( i hope!). 

Haha dunno if I made a good one in here but I just wanted to share the new series that I've watched. :)
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It's better to keep your thoughts to yourself.

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21 July 2012

Be Motivated!

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Level yourself with what you can, not just what others can.
Motivation is what I really needed right now. Like what Sir Bryan said, we are already in our 4th yr in college, we must put a lot of effort in everything we do. It is easier said than done. So I really needed some motivation. Good thing, last Friday (July 20, 2012), Sir Bryan was our substitute professor in Auditing Theory. Actually he was asked to teach us the Code of Ethics by Ma'am Salvador so that we can have our quiz next meeting, but before proceeding to his "assignment" he told us different things we must know regarding the CPA Licensure Exam.

Regarding the phrase above, it has been my motivational phrase since last week. Because I know for a fact, and I am not denying nor am I proud to be, that I was actually comparing myself to what others are doing. Let's say for example in a quiz/exam. I will rate myself base on the grades that my classmate have. Well, sometimes it helps but I came to realize that I wasn't actually helping myself. I was just giving myself more stress thinking that I am not as intelligent as they were or worse is that I was the lowest in our class.

So from now on, until the day that I receive that three-letter after my name, I must and I will concentrate on everything that I will be doing. Focus. Effort. Patience. Discipline. All of that. And of course through prayers I know Papa JE will always be with me.

I hope many of us in here will have our own motivation.
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30 June 2012

Search for the JPIA's Finest Batch '13

My first project as the JPIA's Director for Academic Development.

This search aims to get the Top 10 students from the 3rd year BSA students of FEU to be part of the Batch '13.The Finests are the ones who will get to compete in different quizbowls nationwide. I am also a part of the JPIA's Finest Batch '12 so I can actually relate to this project because I had done it last fed year under Ate Grace Menor.

Here are some of the pictures. :)

The 1st elimination: They only have 5 minutes to answer.




The final elimination: After the first elimination, only 23 students got to qualify for the final screening. :) They had 1 and a half hour to answer a written exam and a 3-level simulated quiz bee. 

And after that, TOP 10 students qualified! Wanna know who they are?? Find that out on our General Assembly this August. :)
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02 June 2012


For everyone's information, I studied for 13 years - from Nursery to 4th year HS - in just one school. Little Merry Hearts Montessori Center or LMHMC plays a major part in my life. It is where I grew and met those people that gave an impact in my life, and probably still part of my life. I got friends, enemies, crushes, and stuff that truly made me as who I am right now.

Today I ran into the "OLD LOCATION" of my school and I just saw that it is now a place, a waiting place, for Jeepneys. The place is wrecked and it's not a school anymore. Well, to clear things out, when I say OLD LOCATION it is our school's old location. When I was in 3rd year high school, our school moved to a different (not that far from the previous location) place. It was actually a place, another school, owned by our principal so we just had a merge. Well, I can't really recall the story behind it.

Anywho, my point is, I have spent so many years in that place. There were just so many places where me and friends used to hangout, play, stand, sit, or whatever students are doing in the school. It was just so sad to see that, that place was a total mess now. I don't know, but I was just wondering what if we never move out and our school was still there. We will just call up a reunion then visit our school once again. We will be sitting in the places where we used to hangout, reminiscing the moments that used to happen there. I am not saying that in the NEW place I didn't have such memories, but it's 11 years we are talking about. It's a lot, really.

Oh well, nothings gonna change right now. Guess, I should have taken more pictures when I'm still there in our old school. Oh, how I miss that place!
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31 May 2012


I am now on my FOURTH YEAR in college and I might as well call it my SENIOR year, but I am enrolled in a 5-year course so I would probably settle for a PRE-SENIOR YEAR! Haha. Yes, I am quiet excited yet nervous because once again it'll be a total jam-packed year for me.

So, here's what my 1st semester schedule looks like:

and here is the schedule of all the 4th year BSA students this FY: 12-13 1st semester.

Combination of the schedules of sections 1 to 3.

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29 May 2012

My 1st Birthday - The SURPRISES!

May 9, 2012

The first surprise happened!

I wasn't expecting surprises from the people who gave THE SURPRISE. They were my NSTP Family - Jan, Iya, Maan, Zey and Kuya Paul. We had an appointment in the afternoon after school to go to our respective establishments, the Venice Water Station and Dr. A. Albert Elementary School for some picture taking to complete our requirements for NSTP Community Immersion Project. We left school at around 4pm and we still hadn't had our lunch. So I was thinking treating them for some food to eat but I lost the opportunity.

So, we held the Surprise Party at Iya's House and I was really surprised. They were such a good actor and actresses. I mean, they did a lot of acting out there just so I won't notice their plan, and I must say I really did not notice nor get a hint of what will happen. And it was a bit tiresome yet fun afternoon for all of us. :))

Here's what the door says! :)

Here's their treat for me. :))
(don't be fooled by the bottle of Sprite over there, it's just water :P)

Kuya Paul





It's Kuya Paul who took the pictures of us eating ice cream. :)
I mad a gif of it in GifBoom.
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