22 March 2013

Why is it?

I should be happy, right? I should be contented on what I got, right? I passed. I did my best. I did it on my own. I didn't depend on others. But WHY IS IT that I am feeling unhappy and uncontented??

I should never feel this way, because this feelings is for selfish ones. I shouldn't be upset on what I am to other people, but rather, I should be glad that I've overcome my own expectations. I know what I can do. I know what I'm capable of. And the result only shows that I am more than what I picture myself to be. But WHY IS IT I'm feeling this way?

Is it because they say "You are who you are with" and I am not like them. I can't be like them, and I don't think I will ever be like them.

As much as I wanted to be happy for them, to celebrate like them, I just can't. Just like what I heard the other time - "Feeling ko ang bobo bobo ko." :(

I know for myself that I should be happy. I PASSED!! It's beyond what I imagined. But seeing them thinking and experiencing the other way around, it made me feel like it was just me. IT IS ME. IT'S IN ME.
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